On the date when the Top Business Directory Because I can prefer to chose the fashionable design, favorable price, top service. Hello, who's looking for a little bit and we're up, you know coming commander. I hope you have any kind of you know He has changed lungs. So what's what's what's what's Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross Perot, hey bud. So, it wasn't here at the Blackburn quickly. Later tomorrow after Sand Hill, hey, it's me rental income after here at the White swing by him. This is it important notice My Mom From, crookedness walls, well sort of thing." Well, since you see this okay to say, hey, you can do it. "Hey, it's Heather, I just want to say hi, haven't done it for a while and I hope everything is going to go out for you. Just got a phone call from a physician at Bastyr Center for Natural Health, or as GV says, "bastards there for National House"Ī friend with no intentions… called me! lol These are great! Check out for some more. If you want sore facial muscles from laughing check "Damn Autocorrect" site out at I'm not going to get to book it because I've already put some spinach still washed and we're gonna make a salad and we are thinking to have our boca burgers, or similar. Have a good time and I felt like you wanna buy the only one that I get to book and so on self Verizon Vegas 10 minutes to the water. If not, we will talk to you tomorrow for your path. Phyllis weekend, everything, and I shares 3:20, so if for some up. Hey, This message is for Rogers Mike from err on the phone. I love these kind of things! There's a blog for voice-to-text fails like this ( ) plus you can see and sometimes hear what the original message was supposed to be. If laughter is the best medicine, hospitals should use Google Voice transcriptions regularly to cure their patients. Right…all calls start with "Bye"…but even given this mess, i was able to figure out what the gist of msg was…and I doubt this elderly lady would use the term "bro"! She was cash it and I wanted to make sure that you got it.

Steven nice applicant last check for the deposit on the coffee. Hi Johnny, this is Virginia, I am, you know if I'm bank. Here's on that I got some time ago: "Bye. Otherwise GVoice likes to regularly put "Brad Pitt" into the context of my voicemail messages. Perhaps some day the world will learn this voicemail etiquette … someday. I think Google's translator actually works incredibly well … as long as each caller goes into a quiet closet with no ambient noise and speaks directly into their phone. I was laughing hard reading this post at work, and so were my coworkers who joined the fray. "I want something with a touchscreen " translated to "i want something with such burning." Some funny stuff, but I think it was wrong to post those phone numbers.Īccording to the post where the message with the phone numbers originated, neither of them is a real number…