For example: Try restarting your computer. For example, if you want to access the Data folder on drayton, you can try entering: SMB is the preferred protocol, but depending on your computer, you may need to try AFP or CIFS. Try adding /foldername after the servername, where "foldername" is the name of the folder you want to open. Alternatively, you can enter your username with the file path like this (substitute your own CofC username in place of "username" in this example): smb:// Sometimes you have to indicate the folder to connect to after the server. If prompted, be sure to use your CofC username and password, which may be different than your personal computer password.

You may be required to enter your credentials (depending on what computer you're using, and whether you are on campus or not).Be sure to enter the full path when connecting, including the protocol, and that the slashes are in the correct direction.Some additional tips for connecting are listed below. Try connecting to the network server using instructions from this article.If " Share files and folders using SMB" isn't checked, check it.If it is already checked, uncheck it, then check it again.