As we said previously, the interface and menu system is a carbon copy from last year, so let's hope you liked it. Animations are all the same, player models have been ported over perfectly and the crowds do the same chants and cheers as before. Technically speaking, gamers are once again getting an identical package from last year. That's all well and good, but basketball fans need something added to their yearly bundle and March Madness 08 simply doesn't have it. You'll still get to play as mascots (something current-gen collegiate hoops still doesn't have), you can still run through classic matchups from as far back as the '60s, and you can still build up your squad in dynasty mode, same as you could before. The offering of modes, while not devoid of fun things to do, is identical to what we've seen before. It's not much, but with this year's March Madness every little bit helps. Now you'll have to at least time your release at the peak of your jump. Luckily, March Madness switches things up and puts a little more skill into the procedure. The shot mechanic is something that NBA Live relegated to the simple exercise of holding the circle button until the animation ran its course. Animations perform decently well with a few tricks here and there that might perk up a few eyebrows if you haven't seen a basketball game in motion for the last decade or so.

Players still move decently well for being on such archaic hardware. Instead we're stuck looking at the same menu presentations, the same game mode offerings, even the same in-game display as in '07. The least they could have done would have been to port over the low-post controls that made their way into the current-gen offering. Everything from dynasty mode to tournament options is totally unchanged.

We're not saying that the new features that they added don't work, we're saying that they didn't add any new features to the game at all. Sadly, we must report that this year's entry is no different. Last year's March Madness title suffered from hackneyed gameplay and an uninspired offering of game modes.