Since those Drama CDs released under big/established companies have their voice actors follow a certain script, it's hard to put in those 'crude' words(?) That means, the voice actors can say as much 'ero' and 'ecchi' stuff. If you ask me, I'd honestly prefer doujin CDs, because another very obvious reason, is that doujin CDs don't have any 'language' restrictions.

<3Īnother difference, that is not really applicable for all, is that their tracks are normally shorter and the recordings are most of the times recorded on a normal microphone and not like the Dummy Head Mic, which can record 360 all around sound, giving the headphone listeners perspective of the situation. I don't know why, but his voice is just so nice to hear~ It's manly. The voice actors that are in doujin CDs are also less popular than the standard popular ones like Hirakawa Daisuke, Fukuyama Jun, or Aoi Shouta (there's just so many~ And if you honestly ask me about voice actors, I have limited knowledge on them since I don't really follow up with voice actors, I normally just see if the plot is nice, and I'd just listen/watch) Well, my favourite less known voice actor is Aki.

So, what are doujin CDs? Doujin CDs are similar to normal drama CDs, but they are normally self-produced or released under small companies which are not really established in the market. Hello~ I'm back with another post about Doujin CDs. Stream ドラマCD R18, a playlist by User 367921674 from desktop or your mobile device. In Drama CD / Translation January 14, 2018. R18: Kare to Soine de Shitai koto Zenbu – Nagamine Tamaki R18: Kare to.